Tuesday 16 February 2010

Know Your Ideal Reading Choelsterol

Cholesterol is a substance that is present in the human body, and is so good and bad for us. High concentrations of cholesterol, especially LDL or bad cholesterol can put at greater risk of heart disease and stroke. Similarly, low levels of HDL or good cholesterol may increase the risk significantly. The levels of cholesterol, but what are the ups and downs? Here's a look at the ideal levels of cholesterol.


After the total cholesterol in your> Body, you can have a normal level or elevated cholesterol.

Under 200mg/DL: This is the most desirable to have cholesterol. If you have your cholesterol below 200 milligrams per deciliter of blood, then you have to be the optimal and normal levels of cholesterol.

Between 200 and 239mg/DL: People in this part of the whole body cholesterol fall into the category of borderline always carry a high risk of heart disease or stroke.

240mg/DL andabove: If your total cholesterol in the body is 240mg/DL or more, then you are at high risk of heart disease.

Normal levels of HDL cholesterol

Normal levels of HDL cholesterol is 50-60 mg / dl for women and men 40-50mg/DL. It's good HDL cholesterol and a level below 40mg/dl may increase the risk of heart disease.

Normal levels of LDL cholesterol

Here is a table showing the optimal, normal and high concentration of LDL isCholesterol.

LDL Cholesterol Diagnosis
100mg/DL following an optimal level
Between 100 and 129mg/DL normal levels
Between 130 and risks Borderline 159mg/DL
Between 160 and 189mg/DL high risk
More Than 190mg/DL very high risk

Note that these readings are guidelines and as part of your profile as a whole if a doctor makes an assessment of the ideal values of cholesterol. Some people can read highbe compared to others, and yet found not to be at risk. This is because cholesterol is naturally in the body and some people from the higher levels may have simply compared to others. However, decisions of reading comprehension and ideal ranges of cholesterol through healthy lifestyle choices should be, you can get your cholesterol levels ideal, of course.

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