Tuesday 9 March 2010

The seven types of border

The call came at 8.10 in the morning watch. "Mom, I have my baseball stuff in the car. Can you please bring it now?" My boyfriend had spent the night with his friend and accidentally forget to prepare for the baseball summer camp has helped in the morning. His baseball glove, shoes and T-shirt bearing were left at home and storage started in five minutes. At first I was annoyed because I knew that I wanted everything I was doing and bail him from his fallSituation. It requires the lesson received from irritation of responsibility. But then I realized that I had a choice, and I had the power. I had to decide what my boundaries.

I was not going to be angry and upset my morning. I went to all that I dropped, so that would not be late for the baseball field. I would drop off his stuff, because it was the camp on the way to the other day my son, but I dropped my time and my terms. If I were not headingtowards the baseball field, I told my boyfriend not. So I took my time and finished drying my hair. I have my six years his lunch, gathered our things we needed for the day, and in a relaxed and unrushed manner. Not been emphasized because my boyfriend would be late for camp. This story is a classic example of how we can use to limit what we decide in our lives.

Boundaries define the limits that we need to put in our livesto protect what is most important to us. I look at the borders as part of the foundation that holds our lives in place. Without boundaries, everything can and will happen. Our lives may dissolve slowly, and before we know it, our lives are not what we imagined to be like them. Blurring of boundaries, straight lines and who consider the lives of more or blurred.

I think it might be useful to define the boundaries in terms of minimum and / or ceilings. For example, you can create a boundary thatIt means working three times a week for a minimum. The minimum is the boundary that defines what is "good enough" for your life. You can also use an upper limit to work out. This limit may say that does not work with more than five times a week - is allowed to rest for two days. The minimum and maximum limits to protect you from patterns of perfectionism and procrastination. If you go below your standard, not honoring what is important to you.When you go through your standard, it may mean being unrealistic expectations of themselves

Limits are designed to protect you and the life you want to live, and there are seven types of limitations to consider:

Esteem Boundaries
Self-worth limits to protect your sense of worth. These limits will help you feel good about yourself. What is the minimum you need to do to maintain self-esteem? Maybe you need to follow through on your promises, or maintain the honestyin your life. What are the limits you need to set yourself and other people to make sure that your self-esteem is not interested?

Body Boundaries
What should you do to protect your body? What are the physical limitations you may need to be recognized? What rules should exist for which you protect your physical health? Could be that a certain minimum amount of movement or a maximum amount of food or drink is needed. One could say that will always care about the health-regular --dental appointments.

Energy Boundaries
Energy boundaries obviously protect the amount of physical and emotional energy you need to work. What energy flowing in your life should be eliminated or minimized? What he needs to refuel his energy available to help you get the energy to your life?

Time limits
Time is a precious commodity. Without the limits of good weather, you lose something that does not come back. What is not negotiable boundariesTo protect your time? What is the maximum amount of time you spend on a particular activity to a specific event, or is in the pipeline? Time management is everything, with clear boundaries.

Space boundaries
Our space includes any environment we spend time in. We must protect our rooms, that nourish us and allow us to live our lives. Pay attention to your needs for the organization or the beauty in your environment. How do you know if your house-cleaning "goodenough "? What is the state minimum and maximum of your environments need to look?

Money Boundaries
Like the time we need money to survive in this life. Your money boundaries protect your finances. What you need to set limits on spending and saving? What is the minimum you are willing to work? Consumer debt, for example, is the result of unidentified or compromised boundaries.

Relationship Boundaries
What are the limits should be in place to protectYour relationships? Our relationships are truly our greatest gift of life. How much time do we need to keep available to our relationship? What we need to set limits on our behavior in relationships? Limits help to keep our relationship healthy.

Boundaries are important so that we realize that we are, what is important to us and how we want to live our lives. Without them, to decide these things for other people to us.

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